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Dear Diary

What is your mission, vision and/or values?

Over 40 local artist sell their handcrafts at Dear Diary Coffee. There are community journals lying around, and folks get $1 mugs of drip coffee while they draw on Saturday nights. In addition to the welcoming environment, Dear Diary offers a fully vegan menu with lots of gluten free options.

How did you get to where you are today?

The owner, Litsa, had the idea for Dear Diary in 2004. She really enjoyed meeting up with other artists at the Hideout on Congress. In 2019, she had saved enough money to form the business with a partner. Unfortunately, the shop's build out didn't complete until April of 2020, and Dear Diary was forced to open at the beginning of the pandemic. There were loans to pay and no financial aid for new businesses. Since indoor seating wasn't allowed at the time, Litsa invited artists to use her dining area for retail. Dear Diary Market continues today.

What makes your shop unique?

Dear Diary is extremely aware of its economic impact on others and tries to do good. 🌱 It is one of only three vegan coffee shops in Austin, and a place where people with dietary restrictions can go without being up charged. ☕ The shop also serves coffee grown on women owned farms and roasted by Sightseer, also women owned. 🎨 Dozens of working artists benefit from Dear Diary's affordable retail space. 🚴‍♀️ The shop sponsors two women/non-binary cycling teams (Team Snacks & Violet Crown) ⭐ Dear Diary baristas get a $5 bonus for every 5 star review that mentions them. Also, when the company's profits increase by 1%, everyone gets a 1% raise.

What is your shop best for?

Study Space, Client Meetings, Day Dates, Self-care, quiet space for journaling etc., Group Meetup’s, Gift shopping, drawing, dietary restrictions

Meet Our Team:

Colleen, who manages Dear Diary is also a fantastic artist. You'll find her work on signage through the shop. Also, she painted the mural in Dear Diary's bathroom. She is an extremely kind, fair leader, and wonderfully reliable. Her team is responsible for the welcoming vibe Dear Diary is known for.

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